3rd Piano Pedagogy Conference (PPC) - student
This conference fee is applicable to student only.
After a three-year hiatus since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Institute of Music at UCSI University is thrilled to announce that the 3rd Piano Pedagogy Conference will take place on 14–16 November 2023.
This year, our conference theme will be Reflections on Curriculum: Past, Present and Future. Facing unprecedented disruptions and uncertainties due to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the pandemic, we need to be resilient in overcoming the challenges and adaptable to radical changes, while acknowledging the roots of piano education to a certain extent. Thus, it is time to reflect and re-evaluate our curriculum, teaching, and assessment, with a focus on classical and contemporary piano pedagogy.
Registration Closed.
Start Date : 14 Nov 2023
End Date : 16 Nov 2023
Price : RM 550.00 Per Event
Number of Item :
Total (RM) : 550.00