About Us

Who We Are?

At UCSI, Open Distance Learning(ODL) is both a philosophy and method used for translating education into reality for many learners as both complements each other.

In Distance learning, both learner and the teacher are separated by space and time. In this method, both learner and teacher do not meet in a physical classroom. The learning material are delivered to the learners via various media such as print or electronic, videos, audios, and the internet. Notably, technology and communications play a vital role here for the teachers and learners’ community as their form of communication today is via emails, chats, and portals. There will be minimal face-to-face or live classes and we call this “master class” or “meet the GURU session”.

In Open Learning, we will see more and more innovations and openness in education in the coming years. Institutions of higher learning like UCSI is beginning to bridge the gaps between industries and academia by focusing on new and flexible ways to allow adults learner to enter and exit education programs at their own pace and place of study. This flexibilities must be extended to method of study, choice and combination of courses and assessment.

The industries learners are usually equipped with lots of experience and skills and hence they are looking for greater openness in education. Therefore the Open learning must look into the education inequality and to offer opportunities and access to education which is currently missing from institutions of higher learning.

AT UCSI, we are sincerely looking at this as a form of social responsibility to the industries.